Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thing 5: Exploring Flickr

I was able to set up a Flickr account and even put a photo in as part of my profile. (I won't tell you how long this took me though!:-)

One of my problems: Unless I use one of these Web 2.0 features on a regular basis, things like user names and passwords drop out of my brain within 5 minutes and the next time I attempt to access an account it's a mad scramble that inevitably leads to setting up a new password. (Drat!)

But! There is a silver lining! Our tech guy at school gave me a wonderful tip that I've embraced. I have a little black address book that I methodically keep updated with new user names and passwords for the various Web 2.0 technology sites I participate in. I also include computer logins and even the names of my children. (Just kidding on the last one!) I shudder to think if I loose the little black book though.....

Flickr would be a great tool for locating photos to accompany a wide variety of projects. I can see where individuals who enjoy taking photography would love joining groups to compare their work.

The following picture taken from Flickr made me chuckle. Are there still librarians like this around?


  1. Ooh! I just made a similar comment on my blog about forgetting usernames and passwords. I love the tip that your tech guy gave you. I will get myself a little black book - or maybe I could put them in my Palm Pilot. Thanks for that!

  2. The Password/User Name issue is a bear. I use a spreadsheet because I can back it up and I don't have to worry about losing it. One of my friends uses and online service but I have to admit I just can't bring myself to do it. Even if there really isn't anything in all of the Web 2.0 ones that would really worry me. I don't put profiles in those besides my name and City/State. I just find it too creepy.

    The nice thing about this class is that you can explore, and give yourself permission to struggle and it is all okay.

    Have fun.


  3. I'm so glad you mentioned forgetting passwords. I seem to have trouble with that also. I like the black book idea.

    I'm going to set up a Flickr family account exclusive for my family where we can share pictures. We're spread all over the country and getting pictures of activities would be great.
